This is a photo that melts my heart--the whole event melted my heart and I had to capture the moment.... Lillie had been sick for about 2 days (the flu hit her school like a tornado and fully 2/3s of the kids were out sick before it was all said and done...) with fever and stomach issues and all she did was wander pitifully around the house, no purpose and no comfort to be had.
Brent was geared up to make bread and invited her to help. That changed her washed out ill demeanor completely. Although I am not even allowed to touch Brent's kitchen aid mixer, sweet sickly baby had permission to RUN the thing...

Watching her brought back memories of my own self at 9 years old, making brownies all by myself and feeling quite accomplished. And even though she lost interest when the dough had to 'rest' the first time around, we all ate the bread knowing that this would be the first of many accomplishments in her life.... and we could taste the possibilities, warm from the oven, slathered in butter....