Then the snowbells broke ground and I knew it was just a matter of time before warmer weather and sunshine would be here to stay.

Working in the yard for the last few days, I discovered the agarita in full bloom. It was a windy day the day I took these photos so there were few bees. Know that they are now here in full force, pollinating away! When the day warms up, the breeze dances with their honey fragrance all over the yard...
And what would a spring time post be without a tribute to the peach trees?

And, the resident mocker is here, always on, always watching. His songs permeate the walls (and windows) of the house and I have found a comfort in his joy of storytelling. He's now added the barn swallow song to his repertoire... purple martin calls will be added next as they're just arriving in the area. As I water the gardens he shows up and serenades me from the top of the trees and sometimes in the lower branches.
And my pasture friends accept the season's change as they do everything else--in stride.

Happy Spring to you--