It happened, just like my uncle said it would. If the wind laid, we would get a frost. It did and we did. I am no fan of cold weather. But this first frost caused excitement. That's Niles walking across the frosted back yard.

Not long ago I was at work taking photos of enclosures. I happened across the sheep being sheep. Until the one on top saw us. Then the moment was gone and they all rushed the gate, certain we were bringing them food.

A burrowing owl was brought in not able to fly vertically. He could do ok on the horizontal but for a bird that's not good enough. He probably tangled with the hind wind of a truck. This day he held still long enough for exactly 4 photos. He was released shortly after.

This is my new friend. Though I still need to find his paperwork, word has it he is an ex-pet crow that used to be called Jake. I was having a hard time with life when I was told he had just arrived. I am entirely smitten. I spend time thinking up activities for him to keep his brilliant mind active and feel so lucky to be able to enrich his life and watch his mind work while he's at play.

This is my view every time I leave work. This day the hills in the distance were awesome shades of blue. They don't look quite as blue in the photograph, but it's a fair representation anyway.
These photos (ok, most of my photos) bring me smiles. I love reliving the moments that have been captured. I keep my photos on my itouch to show anyone who may be interested. It really came in handy when dad and I were waiting for his test results. I showed him photos of the kids and the animals I love. Rocky the Sheep was born on his birthday nearly 2 years ago and I love showing dad sheep photos--he grew up with farm animals being a necessity to live--food. He is slowly understanding (or perhaps just humorning me) when I ask if he ever spent time in the pasture as a boy, sitting with his favorite pig/goat/calf and he chuckles and says there was never time for stuff like that.
I find my words escape me after I upload photos to share. I believe the stories will return when they will but at least I can share the photos.
1 comment:
Wonderful photos and words! I'm glad the owl could be released.
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