Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday Morning coming down...

... while waiting for the goldfinches to return to the feeder, I sat on the garden bench and drank my cup of coffee. All of the birds were singing--the finches were close, the starlings were a little further out, a male grackle was courting a female, and the white wing doves were debating on the telephone line above the yard if the finch feeder was worth the effort. Rosie played in the garden then ran to a bare spot to take a sand bath.

I could hear a red tail hawk nearby, skreeing behind the house somewhere. As I walked around the west side of the house, the dogs met me with gusto. Sandy watched as I photographed her and the plum tree.

I never saw the hawk. And that was ok.

What a wonderful way to begin a Thursday.

1 comment:

Tina(Taken over by her daughter, Nicole) said...

Hi Robin, since you didn't leave an email, I came here. There is still room in Paper Cowgirl for all the classes. But the Spun Crepe is almost full. Thanks for your intrest! Hope to see you there!! thanks, tina